General Explanation Text
The protection of personal data is a constitutional right and is a priority of our company. For this purpose, it is aimed to establish a system that is continuously updated in our company.
KUZU TOPLU KONUT İNŞAAT A.Ş. (ADDRESS) As a “Data Responsible”, we show the maximum sensitivity to the security and legal processing of your personal data. With this awareness, we, as the company, give great importance to process and protect the personal data of our customers, our potential customers, our employees, our employee candidates, trainees and our students, suppliers/subcontractor employees and authorities, our company shareholders and company partners , visitors and the other data of the third parties in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) No. 6698. With awareness of our responsibility, with the “Data Responsible” role as defined in the PDP Law, we process your personal data within the limits set out in the legislation ans as defined below.
For what purpose do we process your personal data?
Within the scope of the personal data processing requirements and purposes specified in Article 5 and 6 of Law no 6698, we process your personal data in the framework of executing our commercial activities with the purpose of performing the necessary works for our business units to benefit you from the products and services offered by our company; recommending you the products and services offered by our company by customizing them according to your likes, usage habits and needs; ensuring the execution of our company’s human resources policies; determining and applying our company’s commercial and business strategies.
You can access the detailed information of the purpose of our company’s personal data processing from the Policy of Personal Data Protection and Processing shared with the public at website.
With whom and for what purpose do we transfer the personal data?
Within the scope of the personal data processing requirements and purposes specified in Article 8 and 9 of Law no 6698 and limited with the purposes specified at the Policy of Personal Data Protection and Processing shared with the public at website, your personal data can be transferred to our affiliates; principal shareholder; directly-indirectly inboard and abroad affiliates; out shareholders; our business partners ( only anonymously); business partners; the companies involved in activities carried out within the scope of the service provided; telecommunication companies; the companies in the electronic communication sector and the other companies that are our business partners; their distributors or suppliers; the legal, financial, tax and operational consultants; the supplier and/or subcontractor companies including service providers and insurance suppliers; our partners in the field of telecommunication and electronic communication; the warehouse, storage, our archive service providers; the database, server hosting service providers; data centers; cloud platforms; our auditors; carrier and so forth transportation companies; their counselors, and the other third parties; the public corporations and legal authorities such as Ministries; the legal official authorities to request the customer information and with the purpose of performing the necessary works for our business units to benefit you from the products and services offered by our company; recommending you the products and services offered by our company by customizing them according to your likes, usage habits and needs; ensuring the execution of our company’s human resources policies; ensuring the legal and commercial security of the people who have business relations with our company; determining and applying our company’s commercial and business strategies.
With which methods do we process the personal data and depending on what legal basis?
Your personal data is collected by our company with the technical and procedural methods performed in different channels such as website, mobile applications, call center and physical channels to offer you our commercial services by using these channels and within the framework of the legal reasons occurred and performed in the point of executing our our commercial activities, based on the rules of the relevant regulations, agreements, demands, commercial practices and honesty. Your personal that are collected with this legal reason can be processed and transferred with the purposes specified at the (b) and (c) articles of this Explanation Text, within the scope of the personal data processing terms and purposes specified at the 5th and 6th articles of the Law No. 6698.
What are your rights related to your Personal Data?
In case that you communicate your requests about your rights as the persons whose personal data is processed by our company, our company will conclude the request free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest according to the kind of the request. However, in case that the operation requires additional cost, the price that is determined by the Council of Protecting the Personal Data will be taken by our company . Within this scope, you as the relevant person have the following rights from our company;
- To learn whether the personal data is processed or not,
- If the personal data is processed, to request information related to this,
- To learn the purpose of processing the personal data and whether the data is used for the suitable purpose or not,
- To know the third persons that the personal data is transferred both inboard and abroad,
- In case that the personal data is processed incorrectly or wrong, to request the correction and to request the operation performed within this context to be notified to the third parties,
- Although the data is processed in accordance with the Law No.6698 and with the other related provisions, in case that the reasons that are required the personal data to be processed are removed, to request the personal to be erased or destroyed and to request the operation performed within this context to be notified to the third parties,
- To object the result occurred against the person himself/herself by analyzing the processed data through automatic systems only,
- To request the the recover of the loss happened due to processing the data against the laws.
In accordance with the 1st paragraph of the 13th article of the Law No.6698, you should deliver your request about using your rights specified above by filling the Application Form shared with the public from website. The company will conclude the request free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest according to the kind of the request. Within the scope of the relevant legal regulations, as the company has the obligation to keep the records and documents for a specified period for the activities performed; in case that you request your personal data to be erased or destroyed or become anonymous, your request will be fulfilled at the end of the period determined by the company with the legal regulations. However, your personal data will not be processed except for the legally compulsory situations and will not be shared with the third parties, except for the obligations based on national and international regulations and agreements.